International Conferences on Appropriate Technology Archives

    2010 – 4th ICAT –Accra Ghana, Theme: AT for Water and Sanitation

    On July 29th of 2010, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly voted overwhelmingly to endorse “…the right to safe and clean drinking water and sanitation as a human right that is essential for the full enjoyment of life and all human rights”...The need for widespread development, dispersion, transfer and implementation of appropriate technologies to ensure that communities have access to clean water and sanitation is urgent. Hence the theme of this fourth international conference on appropriate technology (4th ICAT-2011) and our lead focus on technologies for water and sanitation

    2008 – 3rd ICAT in Kigali, Rwanda – Energy and Climate Change

    Active organization for the 3rd ICAT began in April 2007. We expanded our international planning committee to include 12 countries. For the first time we involved multiple universities in the host country: Kigali Institute of Science and Technology (KIST); the National University of Rwanda (NUR); Umutara Polytechnic University; Universite Libre de Kigali (ULK) and Kigali Health Institute (KHI). At an early point in the conference organizing, the Ministry of Science and Technology in the President’s Office provided strong support. This has been instrumental in expanding our work in appropriate technology. We owe a special thank you to Minister Murenzi ...

    2006 – 2nd ICAT in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe – Theme: AT for Public Health

    Underdeveloped countries throughout the world face the most serious health issues. However in Africa, more money is spent on servicing foreign debt than providing health care. This is a serious problem. Malaria, while practically eliminated in developed countries is a major cause of death in underdeveloped countries. Africa is suffering from a pandemic due to the spread of HIV/AIDS. A major multi-discipline investigation employing appropriate technology is needed to address these and other health issues. To be effective this process of technology implementation must be sustainable, and culturally and environmentally sensitive...

    2004 – 1st ICAT in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe – Theme: Land based projects

    Agricultural output will have to increase by a massive 70 percent between now and 2050 if an expected world population of more than nine billion are to be fed. That's why the World Summit on Food Security was held at the end of last year. That's when they decided to reverse the disastrous trend of what is happening now, "the decline in domestic and international funding for agriculture, food security and rural development in developing countries. The delegates decided to "promote new investment to increase sustainable agricultural production and productivity, reduce poverty and work towards achieving food security and access to food for all.
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